Explore Our Services

We are the leading carbon repair specialists, we have seen it all and can fix it. Broken, cracked, nicked, or chipped, no problem. We provide the highest quality of workmanship and professional customer service in all our work. We ensure your carbon bicycle frames are safely repaired and while the paint might not be a perfect match, we'll do our best to make it blend in seamlessly. Our repairs are guaranteed with our limited lifetime warranty.

Our experienced team will work with you to design your custom bike, the way you've always wanted. We will paint any bike manufacturers frame and any frame material or bicycle part. We specialize in custom projects.
With years of custom paint experience in various industries and it's his talent, techniques and attention to detail that sets us apart from our competitors. We are the best in the business!
We paint bikes directly for bike manufactuers. We do custom paint for limited edition sales, pro cycling teams, clubs, athletes and individuals. There is no limit on what we can do.

We specialize in production painting in large quanities. We can manage all your needs of design and production, making it easy and simple for you and your team.
Have your raw frames shipped straight from manufacturing and we will paint, apply decals and finishing touches ready for your warehouse and retailers.
Whether its a small fleet of custom bikes or a run of hundreds, we guarantee our work just the same. We set turn around times and deliver on time.

Not sure where to start? Leave it to us. Our in-house designers can create just about anything. Our talented designers specialize in color and the team will work with you to select the perfect color palette to compliment your vision.
Want an original one of a kind masterpiece, we can do it. Have a idea, but not sure how to make it a reality, we can create it. Sky is the limit, matching components, patterns, colors, We create custom designs everyday to suit personal style & esthetic.

Screen printed water-slide decals using a specially formulated single-component cross linked inks. With the combination of a peel away transfer clear coat, our decals only leave the stenciled artwork without any of the traditional “haze” or “halo" from the transfer clear.
Our inks have their own adhesive properties, and do not require additional glue for applying to our product. Once applied, and excess water has been removed, our decal requires only a short hour to dry prior to processing for final clear production.
We have a large base set of colors, we can mix just about any color required. The inks have enough opaque properties that it can be used over dark or light color backgrounds with ease.

Does it bother you that your expensive bike was mishandled and scratched at the coffee shop? Perhaps you forgot to put frame protector tape on to stop cable rub on the head tube? What about an errant stone flying up and hitting your frame chipping the paint?
These examples along with and general rub marks and scratches from daily use that occur when you use your bicycle. All these can be repaired to make your bicycle unblemished again.
We will touch up your chips, scratches and other paint blemishes to lookbrand new again.

We can source decals of manufacturer, company or team and create custom graphics for decals so your custom bike will stand out from the pack.
Our designers will work with you to develop custom graphics just for you. The sky is the limit. Handle bars to match your wheels, wheels to match your frame and a frame to suit you.
Speak with our design experts for inspiration.

We will upgrade your bike, converting it to look like it left the factory as a Di2 frame.
Most new frames have Electronic group set compatibility. Whether it be Shimano, Campagnolo, or Sram we can make your frame compatible if your bicycle frame does not have this feature.
We retrofit the frames to be wired internally to house wires and battery. If required we will remove all the cable stops on the frame, fill, smooth and touch up paint to look brand new.
We will even price match on a new group set and install it.

As experts in bicycle restoration, we will completely restore and/or repaint your bicycle to your specifications. We are specialists in stripping, rebuilding and repairing vintage steel bicycles to their original appeal. Custom paint is great way to give your bike a brand new look. We can create any color imaginable. We can design custom decals and/or supply vintage decal packs to create a brand new looking bike from yester year.
Occassionally during the restoration process the components on the bike are found to be damaged or worn beyond repair, as we hold a large stock of second hand components, we can quickly find a suitable replacement, most often of better quality, the end result giving you a ride you never thought possible.
If you have an old frame you’ve never been able to let go and want to bring it back to life. Element 6 can help.

Do you have an old bike that you have fallen out of love with? Do you have a damaged frame hanging in the garage? Or have you've received a quote for a repair and you're not sure if its worth it?
No problem. We will inspect your frame or bicycle and make you a CASH offer to purchase from you, you can't refuse.

We are the experts qualified to do a non destructive external and internal inspection. We are able to find damage that would not be found with standard visual or tap methods. This gives us the ability to not only assess the damage prior to repair, but also confirm the quality of the repair.
If you have had a crash, dropped your bike or found a crack in the paint. We can assess your bike to determine if it is still safe to ride. Our extensive experience with bicycle engineering allows us to accurately assess indications of damage.
All you need to do is get your bike to us by drop off or by shipping to our service center or contact us to send detailed photos for review. We will complete a FREE inspection and provide a quote on the repair within 3 days of receiving your frame or bicycle.